1. We believe in holy intentional pursuit of Jesus Christ and His teachings – with Media!
  2. We believe in telling others about Jesus Christ – with Media!
  3. We believe in occupying until He comes – with Media!
  4. We believe in being radical with our faith, love for God and prayer life and influencing
    our community and culture – with Media!
  5. We believe in utilizing media to tell the Greatest Story Ever Told!


  1. Proclaim among the nations what he has done – Psalm 9:11
  2. Let them shout from the Mountain tops – Isaiah 42:11
  3. How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news,
    who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation,
    who say to Zion “Your God Reigns!” – Isaiah 52:7


Since 1992 Christian Media Association (CMA) has been helping Christians in Media – Connect, Build and Grow their media ministries with Excellence!

The CMA started in 1992 with a vision to help Churches and Christians use media effectively. In the next many years The Lord helped us to quickly develop into an association for thousands of churches that used media. We developed numerous relationships with media and music ministers and enjoyed praying with almost everyone who called our office.  We love to pray for the needs of God’s people!

By 2003 we were holding media conferences across the US – teaching and networking Christians in Media (Jacksonville FL, Springfield MO, Washington DC, Arlington, TX) to name a few. And In 2003 we also expanded our focus to help all Christians in Media – with a new website address “christianmedia.org” and a new name “Christian Media Association®”.

In 2009 we started our first CMA Chapter in the North Dallas area – which quickly grew in numbers and testimonies of how CMA catapulted them into their God-given media destiny.

For 2014 – we held our First National Media Conference in the Dallas Area expanding our reach to connect media leaders.  
ALSO we started our second chapter in the Fort Worth area furthering expanding our network.

In 2015 - We held our first "Dinner and a Movie" event, which would bring more fellowship and support to our members and this would eventually replace our chapters.

In 2017 - we changed our conference name to "CONTENT" (ie CONTENT2017 includes year), to better represent what we do (content creators).

In 2020 - we had to move our conference to Feb of 21, which was a great decision, was one of our best conferences up to that time.  With that momentum we decided to do two conferences per year, to empower filmmakers to take their media mountain.  We moved back to one per year in 2023.

In 2023 - The Lord has blessed us with a new building at Capernaum Studios to hold our "CONTENT" conference.

We are thankful for what the Lord has done these many years! Rejoice with us!

Our scripture verse: Proclaim among the nations what he has done – Psalm 9:11'

Christian Filmmakers Network©

Christian Media Association©